Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 4 after global village

Hey mom and dad! Yesterday was a very hard day...I couldn't eat any of my food I brought and I got a little dizzy but it was all part of the experince. PS I am ok (: I ended up being the head of the household and was the only one who could read, handle the money, and I had to get all are food from the market with only $10! We had Luke sing for our eggs and milk, but it was so good that they gave us our baking powder/soda, pepper and butter for our cornbread. I'll be back to blog later because our activity is starting soon! ~Lauren

After a night in the global village, we got oatmeal for breakfast. It was AWESOME! Even though I dont usually eat oatmeal. It was better than beans last night. We got to stay in Guatemala. With the screaming goats. Who woke me up this morning with their shrieking. I was the one with the vitamin deficiency, so I couldnt use my right hand the entire night. Then we got to snack this morning, which was the best part. And yesterday, guess what? I volunteered to run in front of the goats. They have to be moved to grazing pens and back to the barn each day, so someone has to run in front of them with a feed bucket yelling 'Goats, goats, goats!' so they know where to go. I almost got run over by a herd of goats! It was SO COOL! See you all tomorrow.
P.S.- If I may put in a suggestion for dinner on Sunday, chicken soup or steak sounds good. You guys are the best!

Last night was one of the craziest nights of my life. Our group (Mrs. Zimmerman, Keith Zimmerman, Lauren Jensen, Matt Zimmerman, Spencer Monrian, Luke DeNies, and Scott Boofer) stayed in the good ol' USA! Kentucky's Appalaichan Mountain range to be exact. Lauren was the head of household, Luke was crowned a "mother" and Spencer had vitamin deficiency which resulted in a non-functioning arm. All in all the experience was amazing and I would definitley want to do another night. I wanted to be in Peru soooooo bad but another group got to stay there. For dinner we had cornbread, bean soup, and fried (?) greens. I only ate the cornbread.
Talk again soon! There's lots more to tell!


  1. Hi Lauren! I hope someone got pictures/video of Luke singing for your supper. That had to be so much fun! Got your report card in the mail... very proud of you. Wait until you see your brother's room- he likes the color, I don't. Love you!

  2. Sounds as if all survived the global village and Kayla cornbread is good. Can't wait to hear the whole adventure. Sounds like you will all be talking for a week. Safe journeys home and God Bless you all. Love Grandma M.

  3. Can someone teach Matt to Blog?

  4. Alyssa,

    Have a safe trip, and we can't wait to see you!
    We are having a cookout at Grandma's on Sunday, but we can put a steak on for you.

    Sweet dreams. We love you!

    Mom, Dad and Bruce
